Vrijdagavond 14 juni: Sandberg Clinic!

Friday evening June 14: Sandberg Clinic!

May 01, 2024Jan Willem van Zanten

June 14th is the day: a special Sandberg Clinic!

Attention Bassists and Sandberg Enthusiasts: on Friday evening, June 14, we will have a distinguished visitor. None other than founder Holger Sandberg gives a special clinic with us. During this evening he will tell Sandberg's story and of course demonstrate some cool ones, accompanied by two monster bassists: Sophie Chassèe and Victor Tugores. There is also a special promotion for visitors to the clinic. You will hear all about it on the evening itself!

The program is as follows:

7:00 PM Doors Open
7:30 PM Start Clinic

Free ticket: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/tickets-sandberg-bass-guitars-clinic-897861687477?aff=oddtdtcreator

We'll see you on June 14!

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